The 2024 Makeup Trends to Watch Out for, According to Top MUAs - GFTBX

The 2024 Makeup Trends to Watch Out for, According to Top MUAs

The 2024 Makeup Trends to Watch Out for, According to Top MUAs

As the beauty industry continues to evolve, it's always exciting to stay ahead of the game and be in the know about the latest makeup trends. When it comes to predicting what's hot in the world of makeup, there's no better source than top makeup artists (MUAs) who work with celebrities, influencers, and on high-fashion runways. Here are the top makeup trends that these MUAs are predicting to dominate the beauty scene in 2024.

1. Monochromatic Makeup Looks

A trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down is monochromatic makeup. This trend involves using similar shades of colour on the eyes, lips, and cheeks to create a cohesive and harmonious look. In 2024, expect to see bold monochromatic looks in vibrant colours such as electric blues, neon pinks, and fiery oranges. 

Master the art of monochromatic makeup for a stunning and cohesive look. To achieve the monochromatic makeup trend, it is important to use similar shades of colour on the eyes, lips, and cheeks. This will create a cohesive and harmonious look that is currently gaining popularity.

2. Graphic Eyeliner

Eyeliner has always been a staple in makeup routines, but in 2024, it's going to take a bold and artistic turn. MUAs are predicting an influx of graphic eyeliner looks featuring geometric shapes, negative space, and unconventional placements. Get ready to experiment with bold lines, asymmetric designs, and striking winged eyeliner shapes. Eyeliner has always been a staple in makeup routines, but in 2024, it's going to take a bold and artistic turn. MUAs are predicting an influx of graphic eyeliner looks featuring geometric shapes, negative space, and unconventional placements. Get ready to experiment with bold lines, asymmetric designs, and striking winged eyeliner shapes.

3. Glitter, Glitter, Glitter

Who doesn't love a little sparkle? In 2024, glitter will take center stage in makeup trends. From subtle shimmer to full-on disco ball glitter, MUAs are incorporating sparkle into every aspect of makeup, including eyes, lips, and even brows. It's time to embrace your inner glitter queen and shine bright wherever you go. Get ready to dazzle with the hottest makeup trend of 2024: glitter! From a subtle shimmer to a full-on disco ball effect, professional makeup artists (MUAs) are incorporating sparkle into every aspect of makeup, including eyes, lips, and even brows. Embrace your inner glitter queen and shine bright wherever you go.

4. Skinimalism

Natural-looking skin has been a popular trend for a while, and it's not going anywhere in 2024. MUAs are predicting the rise of 'skinimalism,' which focuses on enhancing the skin's natural beauty while keeping the makeup minimal. Expect to see lightweight foundations, sheer finishes, and dewy textures that allow your skin to shine through. Discover our collection of lightweight foundations designed to enhance your skin's natural beauty and embrace the 'skinimalism' trend.

5. Sustainable Beauty

With the growing focus on sustainability, it's no surprise that it's making its way into the beauty industry. In 2024, MUAs are advocating for sustainable beauty practices, including eco-friendly packaging, cruelty-free products, and clean ingredients. Embracing sustainable beauty not only helps the planet but also ensures that your makeup routine aligns with your values.

As we look forward to 2024, these makeup trends are set to make a statement and revolutionize the beauty industry. Whether you're a makeup enthusiast or a professional MUA, embracing these trends will keep you ahead of the curve and ready to create stunning looks that turn heads.

Nature-Inspired Beauty

In 2024, the beauty world will take a cue from nature, infusing elemental elegance into makeup trends. Expect a surge in earthy tones, botanical-inspired hues, and textures reminiscent of natural landscapes. Dive into the calming embrace of neutral palettes, lush greens, and warm terracotta. Nature-inspired beauty celebrates the harmony between makeup and the environment, offering a refreshing contrast to bold trends. Embrace the serenity of elemental elegance, where the beauty of the outdoors inspires captivating looks that echo the tranquility of the natural world. To achieve a formal, educational, and informative tone, the next sentence could provide examples of specific products or techniques that embody the nature-inspired beauty trend.

6. Discover The 2024 Makeup Trends 

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